People and Dogs | Teen Ink

People and Dogs

January 1, 2024
By AuroraAHS BRONZE, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
AuroraAHS BRONZE, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
3 articles 3 photos 0 comments

I don’t like people

I like dogs,

dogs are easy to communicate with,

I can’t tell minds and I can’t read faces.


When they bark loudly with their tail stiff

I know that they are angry,

When they bark with tails between their legs

I know that they are scared,

and when they wiggle their tails

I know that they are happy.

Dogs are pure and simple,

and I like pure and simple.

But people are different,

People are complicated,

and hard to understand

They expect everything.

People expect you to know what they are thinking,

but they don’t tell you what they are thinking.

People expect you to know how they feel,

but they don’t tell you how they feel…

And when you ask them about how they think or feel

because you cannot read minds,

They will be disappointed,

because you asked them how they think or feel.

It is like hiding a car behind a curtain,

expecting you to know the color of the car,

which doesn’t make any sense—

because you cannot see it

I don’t like talking to people I don’t know,

because they are hard to understand.

Math is complicated,

but I like math,

because math is logical,

unlike people.

In math,

there are either exact answers

or no answers.

For people,

there are never exact answers

nor there are never no answers.

For example,

In math

two times two equals four

two plus two also equals four.

this is because two times two means there are two twos,

and two plus two means two adding another two,

they both mean having two twos,

which equals four.

and four

is an exact answer.

But for people,

They are completely different.

For example,

They can be happy and sad at the same time

which doesn’t make any sense.

or they can be happy or sad for no reason.

This is like nothing equals something,

but nothing cannot equals something.

The author's comments:

Aoruo Zhou

High school: American Heritage Plantation

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