I Wish | Teen Ink

I Wish

December 19, 2023
By Anonymous

I wish…

I wish that the color green looked more like red

And that the color red looked more like green

I wish the color blue looked more like yellow 

And the color yellow looked like blue

I wish the color purple appeared like the color yellow

And I wish the color yellow looked purple

I wish we lived in a world where everything is opposite

I wish that right was wrong and wrong was right

I wish that houses were shaped like skyscrapers

And skyscrapers were shaped like houses

Maybe the sun would be white

And the moon would be yellow

Instead of everyone suffering from depression 

We could then all be happy

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for a class at school not knowing what to write. I didn't know what to think about or how to begin this poem. I thought of everything and anything. I thought about too much for a matter of fact. To complex. I needed something simple. Like a color. This poem was about deeper feelings. More so what the reader wants it to be about or interpret it to be.

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