The Crow Reapers | Teen Ink

The Crow Reapers

December 13, 2023
By LS15 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
LS15 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Awoken from my nightmare, hesitantly, I crawl out of bed.

I reach for the tepid glass of water on my nightstand,

hoping it will calm the torment of my slumber. 

I pace the frigid floors of this desolate room. 

Only a shrill tap breaks the silence of my flustered state.

Tink, Tink– the window pane vibrates slightly.

Gazing out the frosted window, my expression stiffens.

A swarm of crows circle chaotically against the night sky,

their screeching shrieks ring in my ears. 

My eyes glued to the blackened flock, I am paralyzed. 

I know these treacherous crows.

They unsettle my composure as each bird swoops towards me. 

My mind swarming, I suddenly remember their familiarity. 

Those crows have a malevolent desire.

For from my nightmare crawls the crows, here for my soul.

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