It's Love | Teen Ink

It's Love

December 7, 2023
By flynnwritessometimes BRONZE, Redmond, Oregon
flynnwritessometimes BRONZE, Redmond, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What a way we humans have

To lead ourselves towards suffering.

Blinded by the disguise it displays

The disguise it wears

That leaves us kicking our feet

Smiling at messages

Dancing to songs that remind us of them.

A disguise, it is.

That feeling will shrink

With everyday that you realize

They love someone else.

They feel the way you do

Staring at another.

They long for someone that will never want them, 

The same way you do.

Such a simple problem, 

With a simple solution.

Why not just love you?

Why not you?

It's not simple.

It will never be.

As easy as it seems to you, 

Love is unpredictable.

A stubborn force that can make or break a person.

It can't be swayed by another who's hurting.

It has no sympathy for those it crushes.

Love is beautifully hideous.

An evil mistress that does so much good.

As much as you weep

Or burn with jealousy,

You can never hate the love you feel.

The feeling that ignited your hope,

And keeps it there every day.

You cannot hate the feeling you get

When you see them smile.

They are happy, with or without you

And you love them too much

To not smile along with them.

Love is conflicting



You can't hate it but you want to.

You want to shun it from your life

for how it made you feel.

For forcing your heart to cling

To someone you could never have.

It's joyous,

It's depressing.

It's hopeful,

It's hopeless.

It's angering,

It's blissful.

It's love.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem as a way to express the difficulty and hardship that falling for someone can bring onto someone just as heavily as it brings all of the butterflies and rose tinted glasses. Thank you for reading! 

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