Striped and Stripped | Teen Ink

Striped and Stripped

November 16, 2023
By SilverOrchids SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
SilverOrchids SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For most of history, Anonymous was a woman."

- Virginia Woolf

Scratches in the old oak floors,

Their glaze finish torn and wood stained with white

The cuts deep into the ground

That will forever be hidden under carpets of gray

Old sharp furniture legs

Dig deep into your brown beauty 

And leave you striped and stripped

The creaking of your well loved support

From woes you weren’t meant to fight

You crack and bend, creak and snap,

Waiting to give in

Your cold smooth surface beneath my warm skin

A quiet creak or crack,

Your moan of pain as pressure pushes against you

You hold so much weight on your shoulders

You must get tired of it

But do you ever ask us to move some stuff away?

Do you get tired of covering your scars in grays and blues?

Dark colors to distract from your imperfections

You creak and crack

To cry for help,

Loud as you can be to get it out

To ask for some support 

You crane lower and lower as time passes,

Groves pressing further into the earth as time starts to add up

And one day when the pressure is too much

You’ll crack and bend and snap

Underneath all that weight

And you’ll have to be replaced so no one gets hurt

Hard wood floors flexed out and bent

When the weight was finally too much

You carried so much on your shoulders,

And you leave them asking

“Was it too much?”

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