The Silent War | Teen Ink

The Silent War

November 9, 2023
By akutle PLATINUM, Oswego, Illinois
akutle PLATINUM, Oswego, Illinois
31 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I watch it burn before my eyes

over 6000 miles away,

as I turn my head toward the dark

I still hear the children screaming.

Friends shot on the street,

the rotting stench of iron stains the pavement

as they fall backward.

Their fight engraved into the earth. 

Please, god.

I wish I was there,

grabbing handfuls of rocks to throw

because that’s all we have left.

The world wasn’t there for us since 1948,

media will never tell enough about their suffering

covering up the lies, sleeve cuffs hiding wrist marks.

Palestine, I love you

I long to touch your free-spirited heart

keep it wrapped around my fingers

and wear you with pride,

but they’ll kill me if I do.

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