Tempest | Teen Ink


November 7, 2023
By Nikkojav14 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Nikkojav14 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 In the depths of my heart, a storm brews,

heavy emotions, like dark, brooding hues.

A storm of feelings, thunder and rain,

A torrent of sorrow, a torrent of pain.

Memories haunt me, like ghosts in the night,

their weight on my soul, an endless fight.

regret and longing, an eternal chase,

In this labyrinth of time, I'm lost in space.

A heart once so light, now burdened and torn,

by the weight of emotions, a soul deeply worn.

grief, like an anchor, pulls me below,

in this sea of despair, where the darkest tides flow.

But I'll hold on tight, through the tempest's might,

In the depths of my soul, I'll find the light.

Heavy emotions may cloud the day,

But I'll traverse through the darkness that clouds the way.

For in the depth of despair, we often find,

Strength we never knew, the heart's truest kind.

So I'll weather this storm, my spirit reborn,

In the heavy emotions, a new hope is sworn.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem to convey the swirl of emotions being burdened all throughout life recently, It's nothing serious, but this poem conveys my experience with heavy emotions and my resilience in the face of challenges and hardships encountered along the way. I always thought of emotion like a physical being, similar to the changing weather. Some days can be sunny and warm , others rainy and cold. It all depends on what your situation is, everyone has different emotions.

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