The Boy | Teen Ink

The Boy

October 31, 2023
By Anonymous

The Boy

See there was once a boy

This boy was known for being weird

However, all the boy did was be nice and try to give hugs and joy

People would bully him because of this though and nobody liked him

It got to the point where the boy changed completely

Changed into a horrible monster  

When he changed into the monster 

He felt great and knew nobody would mess with him anymore 

However, this one particular kid was frightened to the point where they disappeared 


The boy saw what he had done

Filled with regret and guilt

Tried to go back to the way he previously was before 

However, when he tried to change back he couldn’t

No matter what he did 

Nothing worked


He went to a witch

The witch told him she was able to change him, however at a cost

The boy immediately said yes without hearing what the cost was

He was back to his normal self

But throughout the years he had noticed something 

His smile

He didn’t feel happiness or joy

At all

Like an empty bucket

He was losing his smile 

To prevent that from happening, he created a mask

A mask that would seem as if he was smiling all the time

But behind it would be an emotionless boy who needed love and care

The boy would seek help, but it didn’t matter how much help he got

So the boy went back to witch and told her to give back his smile

She said she couldn’t because of the cost

The cost was he would change back to his old self, however he would lose his smile Overtime

Eventually to the point where it became no more

The boy wondered why the cost was that

Out of anything 

Why was that the cost

He realized 

His actions as the monster

He hurt people

Scared people

Caused nothing but pain towards others

After taking off the mask

He simply looked at it

Looked at it with emptiness 

A river of tears came from his eyes

This would be the last time he would express sadness

Whilst the sky was as dead as a graveyard

The rain showered down

He could do nothing but cry

Then he stopped

Looked up at the sky

And said

“I deserve this punishment. I deserve everything terrible in this life”

For the rest of his life

He never felt joy or smiled

Knowing this

He put on back the mask

Looked at himself in a nearby puddle

To others, they saw a boy who needed love, joy, Forgiveness 

A hug

But all the boy saw was a monster

A monster that would always be within him

A monster he created by him and him alone

With that in mind, he walked

Walked to wherever life lead him to

It could have been to a life full of roses

Or possibly a life full of thorns 

It didn’t matter to him

All he wanted was to never hurt another person ever again


The author's comments:

This story is somewhat something I relate to.

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