Alleyways of Ashes | Teen Ink

Alleyways of Ashes

October 13, 2023
By LDeArmitt BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
LDeArmitt BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Leaves are falling, in the crisp autumn air

Doorbells chime, dare you enter houses of scare?

The wind howls, trees bend and sway,

Ghastly gremlins coming out to play.

Ghouls, ghosts, and goblins haunt the streets

Pounding on doors, shouting “Trick-or-Treat!”

In a town where shadow creep,

The man of Grim coming out to reap

A horse-like man missing a head

Victim’s ripped clothes smeared crimson red

Pumpkins glow with fierce fiery eyes,

Casting light under darkening skies

Everyone gets tense before sprinting in fear

With no safe places anywhere near

Spine-chilling spirits, they roamed the night,

Matches heading toward the houses ‘til they ignite.

The childrens’ blood starts pumping as they run away

Not one of them saw another Halloween day.

The author's comments:

A poem about halloween

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on Oct. 23 2023 at 12:17 pm
LylaBecht SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"sticks and stone will break my bones but words will never hurt me."

Right in time for the Halloween season!! Love itttttt