Succumb | Teen Ink


September 6, 2023
By izzy_thurm BRONZE, Homewood, Illinois
izzy_thurm BRONZE, Homewood, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“...vivamus, moriendum est...¨ 
Long lasting days spend with the carelessness of a child, born again with the rising sun to live a cursed cycle, one that wishes to be broken but repeats once more.  
In silence the world will wait for an opening, a sign of redemption, something- anything- to release it of this retched control of man.  
I have yearned for the light, but never for the final stage. There is a cycle, a spiderweb of sorts, that traps the weak minded and the faint of heart. I have fought for this cycle to end. Never for my life to end, but, nor do I fear the idea, for Death is not the devil... no; he is a lover. He brings the cycle to completion. A final act for this stage of ours, the stage we have burned and brittled and battered and bashed; the stage we step foot every morning and yet we still mourn of what our feet may do.  
So, I say, fear not of what death may bring. Fear not of the worries of tomorrow. Fear not of the glimpse of death around every corner. Do not live in a hole, scared and fearing for your life. Instead, live. 
Live for the love of life in its fullest and let us strand the fear of “death” in the wind. 
Let us leave our footprints among the sands of gods, and write the words foreseen in the depths of shadows for that they may be continued as memory to those who know not of what has truly belonged. 
Let us tell the stories of young and thoughtlessness, the stories of old and romantic, the stories of horror and of strife.  
Let us survive, to completion, to amount to what may have become, to amount to the footholds as set by the gods and the devil himself, to amount to the fortune and privilege of death in suit... 
“...let us live, for we must die...” 

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