flowers | Teen Ink


June 23, 2023
By milliereiss BRONZE, Miami Beach, Florida
milliereiss BRONZE, Miami Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

believe me


believe in my petals

that protrude through my teeth

even though you have withered them

believe in my lavender limbs

although they may drip azalea 

believe in my daisy’s death

and peony promises

and that my white roses

have turned to red ones

all because of you


reach down my throat

and pull out the roots you have planted in my stomach

believe me when i tell you

i breathe out baby’s breath

and that you smell like the honeysuckle

i picked as a little girl


believe me when i tell you your

fingers are floral

your hands hyacinths

ones i wish i could touch

but i do not wish to hurt your delicate petals

your cheeks are cherry blossoms


for you, my love, i am a floraphile


you, lovely girl

are a garden

one i wish to sleep in for years

and keep a secret

from the world



inject your lilies

turning my veins into

clear bubblegum


i cough up flowers

at the mere sight of



they tell me to always stop and smell the roses

so i stop to look at you

to look at your lips

crying forget-me-nots

as i know i will never be able to pick those roses

and call them my own


believe me


believe me when i say

that if i had a flower

for every time

you tiptoed in

pale ballet slippers

in the flower beds of my mind

the dirt would no longer be visible


believe me when i tell you

that you are the most beautiful flower

i have ever laid my eyes on


your complexion

becomes the pillow

my tulip tears rest on

when my head isn’t quiet enough

your arms

the sheets

i rest my violet veils in

when the shade of anyone else

isn’t dark enough to conceal my face


you inject me

with your orchid words

your white liquid marigolds

and ivory angels

you drip from a syringe

and breathe under my skin

and i want the feeling to last forever


but they say nothing gold can ever stay,  right?


so you slowly wilt

when frost coats your stem

but when i close my eyes

you’re there


you’re there

bloomed in full again like the flowers in spring

the pinks of my eyelids

replaced with the pinks on the tip of your nose


so leave me to whither, my darling

leave me wilt so you don’t have to


let me expect it

so it hurts less


leave me to sit in this bathroom

and spill petals onto the tile

be the reason for your spring cleaning


finish your dirty work in the garden

then come inside

and wash the soil from under your nails in the basin


hold and water me one last time


then deadhead my buds with golden scissors

return me to the dirt that i came from

and promise me


promise me


that you won’t let me grow again


until you begin to love me

the way i love you

The author's comments:

Millie Reiss is 16-years-old and has been writing

since she was eight. She attends Miami Arts

Charter school in its Creative Writing program.


Writing has grown to be her main outlet

during the most difficult times,

when it helps her try to turn her pain into art.


Millie grew up in Washington, DC, and now

lives in Miami Beach with two moms 

and her two dogs, Riley and Churro. 

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