A Platter on Web | Teen Ink

A Platter on Web

June 11, 2023
By MinteeWeeping BRONZE, Bothell, Washington
MinteeWeeping BRONZE, Bothell, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your words clear and thin

Caught me in a web of make believe 

I’m strung, and tugged to be on display

Of worries that had risen in me, causing my dismay

I'd rather believe in letters made of cotton and laughter

Yet here I am, settling in all of your crude cackles

You watch, with your eyes

Observant and keen

While sharply splinters prickle me

While tears of my skin bleed 

And I sit on the hair of the earth staring absently

Like a fly waiting after being balloned

Baby strings drenched by such tears, cling 

While the sweat of my eyes cry

And my lungs are molded in a grasp

Why did I believe?

Believe that I was someday going to float away

For being so thin, so weightless, that the moon would want me more

More than any future lovers

Why did I believe?

That because I wore that pretty blossom dress - that someday I could decay for being too much?

Why did I have believe so many satire stories, and lies

That would one day cause it to lead to my demise

Gullibleness was key

In order for you to feast, to succeed.

The author's comments:

Don't believe everything.

Because another, may use it to their advantage.

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