The School System | Teen Ink

The School System

May 8, 2023
By oliviaheim SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
oliviaheim SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Distressed brain of education.

We are all tired and wired to the system.

Books, homework, and tests being thrown at us everyday like garbage being thrown away. 

Because that is what this is, garbage.

None of us want to deal with this garbage anymore. 

Everyday anxiety rushing through veins as I sit in the four walled classroom.

Failing each test, with no motivation for studying.

Other kids staring at me in the hall because of how I look.

Being judged and talked about behind my back.

Alone and broken. 

My head hits the table, with no sleep from the night before.

Learning has become unbearable. 

The world has decided a letter grade determines your success. 

Disagreeing and discarding what others think. 

Try to make friends but everyone is fake and takes something aways from me by using me. 

Alone and broken I still am and feel like forever will be.

Mom and dad yell as they see my grades. 

Nothing is more lonely than not feeling loved.

Suffering and selfless with nobody even knowing because of that smile I always have on my face.

Nobody knows my pain.

Nobody sees the hurt. 

Brain scrambling in circles stressed like a kid trying to clean up a mess before mom sees. 

I fight through each day in distress. 

Education needs to be fixed.

The teachers aren’t the problem, the system is. 

We are forced to be taught unnecessary things most kids won’t use in life. 

We are there for 7 hours a day. 

Eventually it feels as though interconnected networks of neurons in my brain are falling apart so I am no longer able to take in any more information. 

Get home and have to do 2 more hours of school.

When will they realize this is destroying us?

My brain is being beat like a baseball bat hitting the ball.

Day by day, year by year, we are being destroyed by this system called education. 

Does anyone even understand under all this?

Can they see the damage to students?

Anyone, can anyone hear us?

One day I hope this gets solved. 

Because us, we are the future. 

This generation of kids are the ones who will make this change. 

If only we had someone to actually listen and learn from us instead of us learning from you. 

One day you, the system, will realize.

The author's comments:

This is a piece about the school system and how it may make many students feel. 

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