Control | Teen Ink


May 3, 2023
By Mitchell2022 PLATINUM, Lambertville, Michigan
Mitchell2022 PLATINUM, Lambertville, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Others many times in our lives tries to Influence us

I however write about how those with their own opinion try to will it on others

I am among those who face this situation numerous times

Someone could be anyone tells you the bad about your friends, family, lovers

To influence you to stop liking cause for some reason or another

Could be they say they are a bad person

Could also be that they just don't like them 

Or worst of all they want to ruin you 

I've been faced with these situations before 

However strong their will is mine burns brighter

I will make my own decisions I will find if there is any true to what they say

And if i find out it is and I see that they are trying to be better 

I won't drop them it's important that everyone has friends and that their past isn't 

Always who they are

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