Choices | Teen Ink


March 27, 2023
By Anonymous

You’re left on a pathway,

Would you go left or right?

This choice would be with you

For the rest of your life.

It's like a coin,

Only 2 sides, heads or tails.

You're confused, time is running out,

And all you want to do is shout.

You don't know what to do.

Your gut tells you to go right,

And  as your walking

Your gut tells you,

Maybe you should've gone left.

You want to go back, but you keep going.

And once again

You come across a pathway.

Left or right? Heads or tails? Which way?

You want to do something different.

You choose left.

The author's comments:

This poem is about the different choices and “paths” you have, and it reveals that you should try something new when you are given choices, even though you might be afraid.

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