Lucky | Teen Ink


February 15, 2023
By shorrmiel GOLD, New York City, New York
shorrmiel GOLD, New York City, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve learned that 

I’m lucky.

Lucky enough to watch.

I don’t like that I’m lonely, but I like that I’ve watched you find what we all wish for.

I’ve seen the drought dry your brittle bones, but I’ve watched him rewater you.

To the nights you scribbled frantically on lined paper trying to figure out what he wanted from you  

To the cold month of November where you built connections without touch. 

I’m lucky enough to watch. 

Your smile means my smile. So I’m thankful he is in your life. 

Giggles of giddiness because he sees you. 

 pour butterflies into my chest alongside yours.

I’m lucky enough to have watched my best friend fall in love.

And I’ll be there when things are south

To hug you and wipe salted dew off your cheeks.

And I’ll be there when things are perfection. 

To squeal and have lengthy conversations in your bedroom about each gesture and each word that left his adolescent tongue.

Love is not simple

This is true.

He is not simple

He is everything but 

This is true.

But your joy from his is 

A young untouched heart.

They fill.

Beautiful bambi of innocence.

They fill. 

Some may say love young doesn't exist

I’m lucky enough to know it does


I was lucky enough to watch it right in front of my eyes. 

The author's comments:

I watched my best friend fall in love. Classic teen love. I've seen the highs and the lowest of lows. Although jealously is natural, in this case I've felt nothing but pure joy for her. I wrote this poem for her because she has said to me she feels her relationship goes unnoticed. I wanted her to know I see it. I see her. I see him. I see love. 

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