my version of you | Teen Ink

my version of you

February 11, 2023
By amanda_a12 BRONZE, Riverside, California
amanda_a12 BRONZE, Riverside, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
everything happens for a reason

i don’t even know you

only a version of you ive created in my mind

the version that would kiss me on the forehead

pick wild flowers for me

bring me my favorite food

listen to my favorite songs

watch my favorite movies with me

laugh with me

cry with me

be happy with me

be sad with me

make me smile, not cry

make me laugh, not want to die

hold me close at night

reach for my hand when it gets dark

open every door for me

be my biggest fan

support me

love me

but you don’t even know me

not even a version of me in your mind

because who am i?

other than a girl who watches from afar

dying to know you

The author's comments:

it’s like when you have a crush and they’re always in your mind and you imagine what it would be like with them but the person you’re imagining that with isn’t them, it’s a completely different person you’ve created in your mind and then you realize that it’s not them and you realize that they don’t make up a version of you in their mind because they don’t even know you exist

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