MY MOM | Teen Ink


December 23, 2022
By Anonymous

My mom.

She’s the shine of the sun, 

Doesn’t have much patience but still loves.

I like her hugs

With clouds and a ton of words.

 Only hers makes me burst like fireworks.

We look for straws and choose between mocha and caramel

 Like the need to feel the sweetness and bitterness come together. 

When we fight it’s like the waves crashing against the dock 

Volcanoes erupt 

Cities drown with tears tearing it apart.

And you can heard the strong winds forming a tornado 

Both of us feel itchy 

Though only one of us trades our guilt to not feel b*tchy.

I turn to her and say, “Let’s go eat pasta Alfredo”.

The world again turns into sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns 

To me she's the most beautiful.

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