the amazon | Teen Ink

the amazon

February 24, 2022
By LoganHeinlein BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
LoganHeinlein BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There’s a man in the amazon

Lost from his group

Then he starts hearing something 

He walks a little further

And in the bushes he sees

Baby jaguars?

Where's their mom?

What are they doing making all this noise?

How long have they been here?

Are they hungry?

So many questions

But he won’t be getting many answers

Because from behind him he hears a growl

He swivels around and to his dismay

He could conclude one of his questions

So he stays calm and does what he thinks he should

He thinks he remembers hearing you should intimidate

So he stands tall and starts walking away while facing the creature

Just a few minutes that seemed like an eternity

He thinks that the thing won’t ever stop chasing him

He’s ready to give up

But remembers that he has a family that loves him

What would they think of his passing?

Would they even know?

So he keeps going

And then he trips on a rock and the cat eats him

And his family will never know what happened.

you can’t win them all

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