starving artist | Teen Ink

starving artist

February 6, 2022
By lphodges BRONZE, Ladera Ranch, California
lphodges BRONZE, Ladera Ranch, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you have no obligation to your former self<br /> -hank green

my hands are cracked and bleeding, with old scars lined with lead

my vision is yellow, still adjusting to life without the blindfold on 

my arm burns with the phantom itch of rope 

my blood stains the pages, a mark of the starving artist 

but it has been 9 months now, and though each day is harder and harder, 

still, my stomach reconciles with the unfamiliar state of fulfillment

still, the lead flakes mark by mark, 

and still, the dawn comes again and again

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