cycle | Teen Ink


January 14, 2022
By hksingh24 BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
hksingh24 BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Autumn leaves skitter on the sidewalk, a

zephyr rustles through the air. what used to be peace merges

into war. Good vs. Evil;

Cold vs. Warmth. it’s now

Winter. it's supposed to be the coldest,

cuz, you know, the polar vortex. 

rosy cheeks turn into rosy flowers as our

frozen hearts melt into

Spring. The season of growth, let’s be better this year! school’s almost, out it’s 

Summer! it’s always 

fun-ner when we don’t have to worry about our GPA

and the alphabet - wait: is it C-B-A? living life stress-free until

the cycle re-starts

over and over again.

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