Bipolar Depression | Teen Ink

Bipolar Depression

October 27, 2021
By Anonymous

In a world where my feelings are like waves

Can people see the real me 

The person i really am 

Without the medicine 

The way i really feel 

One thousands thoughts going through my head at once 

But the only thing i hear is 

“Its not always about you”

“Why do you have a attitude”

“Whats wrong now”

Why cant I put myself first?

Why is it wrong for me to be upset?

Things i used to enjoy feel like walking the whole earth

Exhausting,irritated,and angry 

Is how i always feel 

Tired even after i get rest

A million reasons to be upset 

My feelings are so different then yours 

But why cant you hear me 

Im struggling to keep going 

To keep pushing 

I do it for you 

I do for everyone

Except myself.

The author's comments:

This piece is just abot my feelings on a day to day bases and kinda what I feel like.Nothing too serious.

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