I remember | Teen Ink

I remember

October 13, 2021
By andyandy1628 GOLD, Dalian, Other
andyandy1628 GOLD, Dalian, Other
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember my first day at the kindergarten. I desperately waiting for the end of the day to return home–


I remember doing my first assignments and the sense of accomplishment when I finished my basic calculation homework–


I remember I tried to find where my house is while looking at the world map. All the lines and curves confused four-year-old me–


I remember my grandmother passed away before I had a chance to meet her. Her appearance is becoming vague and fuzzy in my memory–


I remember announcing proudly to my parents when I received an “A” at school–


I remember witnessing my schoolmate committing suicide as she jumped from the fourth floor. The wailing of the police sirens and all the screaming made me feel so unreal–


I remember my grandfather passed away serenely on his bed. I stared at his body with unseeing eyes and believed firmly that he would wake up the next day as normal–


I remember receiving high school's admitting letter in the morning, ecstatically happy with the result–


I remember my internal emotions on the plane to America, excited to start a new journey while nervous of new adjustments–


I remember all support I received from my friends and I remember all helps I offered to them–


I remember working till five in the morning to get my projects done. The night was tranquil and chirping of some insects accompanied me all night–


I remember happiness, I remember pain–


I remember heaven, I remember hell


I remember flowers in blossom, I remember the withering–


I remember them all, either good or bad–


All like gold mines, burying under my memory sand

The author's comments:

A poem of my past memories

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