The Suburbs | Teen Ink

The Suburbs

October 4, 2021
By Anonymous

The suburbs what a boring nice little place

People living in the burbs don’t have to race

They sit quietly and go at their own pace

How boring the burbs are to the young and fast

But to the older ones, it's finally peace at last

Why do people live in the suburbs you might ask?

Well, because it’s quiet, safe, and life isn’t that fast

I’ve lived in the burbs all my life

And it’s been nice

But now I am 18 and full of life

The burbs and I just don’t get along

Thank you suburbs for I have known you long but 

now it is time for me to move along

The author's comments:

I a ready to be done with the suburbs and live in a big city (I want excitement and I want to be able to go out for dinner after 10:00 pm and have the restaurants still be open!)

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