Unbeautiful Me | Teen Ink

Unbeautiful Me

September 28, 2021
By kristina-create BRONZE, Potomac Falls, Virginia
kristina-create BRONZE, Potomac Falls, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Watch your thoughts they become words. Watch your words they become your actions. Watch your actions they become habits. Watch your habits they become your character. Watch your character it becomes your destiny." - Lao Tzu

My mask which has clung on to me, 

rooted thorns onto my face that I could never pull off

This garden full of beauty which I could never obtain, 

but still care for everyday

This piece of me that I let grow uncovered, my fate set in soil, 

just like my blue flowers

This precious flower of ether, 

grown by an unworthy creature, 

unbeautiful me.

Peering through, I see you, a lady trudging to my garden of blue

Picking the decorative flower, I wish to snatch it out of your hand 

and plant it back in the sand

Why have you come to steal the one thing, 

that I claim as the beauty of me

The beauty you seek, you could find so easily?

For no one deserves the pristinity, not even the most purest face.

I track your thieving footsteps, 

gazing through my veil

My awareness has outweighed my shame, 

for you are not a thief, but an easing pain

Selling my flower, it aids you in wealth so I make a pact 

to garden my garden for you to have.

As days go on, you come back, back to someone who could never reveal their unbeautiful face

I, the one that painted Cupid blind,

 look through the looking glass, never leaving it behind

For I’m so afraid, for my mask to be untwined, 

for my vile face, to be mined

And so it stays in the ground, in the sand, 

the sand of my castle, locked and banned.

A day comes when the birds stop singing and the flowers cease blooming

I don my veil, leaving my castle, calling for your name, 

a name which I never asked

To my woe you have left, to a place where you don’t need to sell my flowers hungry and unrest

A place where you can see the unshameful beauty of the love you’ve been given

But drowning in my gloom, 

I pull my cloak off a nameless face. 

I had a name

But it was too beautiful for me. 

Oh how could I let the beautiful you be in my life? 

Or the blue flower, that was more beautiful than me, 

be within my sight?

Me. Who let the flower wilt without sun, 

covering it from the world in this opaque glass dome

As the beast I am, always and forever alone.

A truth untold

Removing my veil, 

I hang it high to be with you

Unbeautiful me, now forever longing to be in your view.

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by the song The Truth Untold by BTS. The lyrics are about a man and how he hated his face so much that he never went out, except to garden his flowers. One day he saw a woman picking one of his flowers and taking it, he got mad so he went to follow her only to realize she was in poverty and wanted to sell the flower. He eventually fell in love with her, seeing her sometimes, but one day he realized she had died so he regreted never telling her he loved her.

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