Im thankful | Teen Ink

Im thankful

July 15, 2021
By enhle_gatsheni BRONZE, Johannesburg, Other
enhle_gatsheni BRONZE, Johannesburg, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Im thankful for the fact that God gave me to you

Im thankful for the day I opened my little eyes and saw you

I am thankful for the very first time you held me in your own warm arms I am grateful for those moments...

I am grateful for all the sacrifices you made

For all the choices you made

For all the decisions you took to make sure that i had a bright future ahead of me...

I thank you for disciplining me , if it wasnt for it, i wouldnt be the person i am today....

I thank you for the love,warmth and support

I thank you for all the advice you gave whenever i needed one

I thank you for being there for me every step of the way I thank you, i thank you...

I thank you for making my day a success in every single way..

Im grateful for everything.....


The author's comments:

The poem is all about giving thanks to my own mother for every single thing she has done for me.

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