A Lie In a Million | Teen Ink

A Lie In a Million

May 27, 2021
By Anonymous

It is said that to achieve perfectness you have to lie

It is the only way...

We're lied to 10 to 200 times a day, and tell a lie ourselves an average of 1 to 2 times in the same period.

60 percent of people lied at least once during a 10-minute conversation and told an average of two to three lies.

A lie is enough to question all truths

If a truth is silence it is a lie

Why is it said that history is a set of lies agreed upon?

Is it true?…

Who knows right?...

If history is a lie.. what are we?..

WHO are we?..

A lie in a million…

I remember when i was little i lied 5 times in a day probably but it was obvious when i lied .

After a few years I got the hang of it.

It is said to succeed in lying you need to believe it yourself for it to become reality.

I've got so good at lying that even i don't recognize myself 

And if i don't recognise myself who am i

I've asked this question to myself 100 times in a week probably.. Who knows even more..

In a social experiment made worldwide 72% of people end up using less than a half of the ideas they come up with.

The other 28% never even uses their own ideas.. So..

Are we all liars?..

The answer is yes 

But are we all living a lie?..

The answer again is yes 

Were So concerned and concentrated in being perfect we forget what makes us already perfect...

Because we forget that there isn't such thing as perfect

If lying in order to be perfect makes us perfect..are we really perfect?...

I'm so sick of faking 

If life is a journey to the unknown how is it that were so concerned in making it a race 

When all we know is to be known for our mistakes

For our….lies.

A lie in a million…

A life taken everyday

A life faked from mistakes

A life full of regrets consumes her everyday 

A lie in a million am i right?..

If history is a lie then how are we even alive 

When we cant even embark that stan we long for in a tank full of lies 

Which consumes our souls like it was a shark 

Are we that low 

To lie 

To be lied to 

To know that we are just a lie

But NO

We aren't just a lie

Were dreams alive

Were stars shining bright on the sky

That illuminates my life..our life

The life that we long for 

The life were waiting for

The one that was a taken from us

A lie in a million

Till the night we all remember that were NOT all  invincible.

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