For Granted | Teen Ink

For Granted

May 24, 2021
By gabek BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
gabek BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't smile because it's over, smile because it happened."

You kept me in your pocket, empty, abandoned, and bare. Used for identification. Nothing else.

You always did take me for granted. 

You kept me on your back, stuffed with books with no purpose, notebooks with no ideas, and dull sharpened pencils.

You always did take us for granted.

You talked to me like I was a wall. Didn’t care what I had to say back. Just talked and talked and talked. Admired sometimes...but always insulted.

I guess you always took yourself for granted.

You gave me presents. While you don’t like receiving presents, you still accepted them with thanks. 

I guess you took them for granted.

You drove me. Not for long but it felt long. You don’t have me yet but you will soon.

I’m assuming you’ll take me for granted.

Look at you. Dressed in your fancy white polo. Looks like you spilled some ketchup on it. Don’t worry! We’ll get you another one.

You took that one for granted.

We taught and cared for you. For a year, we tried our best.

You took us for granted.

“I love you. I raised you. I want you to grow.”

“I’ll love you even if you take me for granted.”

The author's comments:

This piece is about taking everything you have and appreciating it. How far does gratitude go? Wallets, books, pencils...your own mother. I wrote this as a past event of mine. I used to be very materialistic. Then once sophomore year hit, everything changed for me. I got a job, started playing tennis, got my license, and a car. I was starting to appreciate everything in my life a whole lot more. Especially my time. I had school, tennis, and work almost every day of the week. I wasn't home from 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM. My free time was cut very short. I still do all of those things of course, but I'm able to manage my time a whole lot better now. I started to take my family for granted. While I still have this idea, I have come to means it's not popular. I believe you are not required to check in on family or stay connected with them. Now, hear me out. You weren't asked to be born into that specific family. So why should it be fair to have to stay in touch with that family if you don't like them? Thankfully, I love my family and they are super cool. Yet, imagine if your mother or father were horrible. You shouldn't have to feel obligated to interact with them once you're an adult. Now again, I'll be honest. I was oot being nice to my mom for about a month. I wasn't being abusive or anything of course. I was just being a bad son. I wasn't appreciating her. My own mother. I feel sickened just thinking about how I talked to her. I'm better now of course, but I couldn't imagine how she felt. If you somehow have gotten to the end of this ramble, then I want you to text your mom. Call her. Hug her. Buy her lunch. Do something. She has done so much for you. Return the favor. 

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