I'm the girl | Teen Ink

I'm the girl

November 1, 2019
By kylove63 SILVER, Richmond, Vermont
kylove63 SILVER, Richmond, Vermont
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars"

Love comes so easily for some people

I don’t understand it

They just let the person in

And that person doesn't leave

I believe I’m capable of loving someone

But I don't think anyone can love me

Maybe I’m too broken 

Maybe I’m too far gone

But no one seems to feel any certain way for me

I’m just the one who gets pushed to the side so that they can go for my friends

I’m the girl who is too broken to be loved

I’m the girl who stays alone

I'm the girl who can love someone but can't be loved by anyone.

The author's comments:

I want to find someone but I just can't do it.

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