Head In The Clouds | Teen Ink

Head In The Clouds

October 10, 2019
By 1luvspongebob SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
1luvspongebob SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments


It’s 1 am. 

I’m on my roof. 

I’m hugging my knees.

It’s hours before the first day of school. 

I’m looking up at the sky.

It’s black. 

It’s blue. 

It’s 59 degrees.

The clouds glide, revealing new stars. 

I see trees bordering my peripheral.

The smell of pine trees and the lake trigger my brain to realize where I am. 



How did my life get this far?

Did I expect my life to turn out this way? 

Have I lived my life to the fullest that I possibly could? 

Was I happy with my life? 

Was I happy at all? 

It makes me realize the life I have and what It means.


Its 6:30 am. 

I walk outside. 

I’m on my way to leave for school.

I drive toward the sunrise.

The clouds change everyday. 

Some days it's like a blanket. 

Some days it’s like cotton balls.

Maybe there aren’t any clouds at all. 

The color scheme changes everyday. 

Sometimes it’s warm colors, sometimes it’s cool colors. 

Turning the corner, I see the sun in my side mirrors. 

I almost crash because I look at the sky instead of the road. 

It’s too pretty to Ignore. 

The sky over the trees. 

the black wet road. 

It looks like a scene from a movie.

It makes me think of what would happen. 

What will I do today? 

Who will I meet today? 

What will I say today?

Where am I going to go today?

Who knows how long ill be on this Earth?

I try to Appreciate the beauty while I can.

The Earth contains the same people, has the same way of life.

What do they know?

Who have they met?

Whats their life like?

Are they happy?

The sky brings me a sense of wonder when my head is in the clouds.

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