Daze Of Tikal | Teen Ink

Daze Of Tikal

October 9, 2019
By sydneesagal31 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
sydneesagal31 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In my daze, I step into a dense stretch of ancient trees, I listen to foreign animals squabble and squeak. Green surrounds and consumes me in this mighty forest. 

In my daze, a monkey sits atop one of the pyramids, glaring down upon me. This is his home, his sanctuary.

In my daze, he swings and glides from vine to vine as if skating on thin, clear ice.

In my daze, I’m walking deeper and deeper into the jungle, it becomes humid and the air wet. Rays of sun peek through the thick leaves and glimmer golden in the sky.

In my daze, I should complain about the humidity and mosquitoes, but choose to push that aside. Instead, I bask in the wildlife and greatness this ancient forest holds.

In my daze, I gasp as the largest of the pyramids comes into view. Sand-colored stone built by hard and rough hands concealing treasures and golds within them. I imagine Mayans gathering, creating, building.

I’m boggled from my daze of dismay as I hear my Spanish teacher say, 

“These pyramids took years of hard work to build and are still standing today! How amazing is that?”

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