Lifeless | Teen Ink


October 2, 2019
By Anonymous

There once was a ghost

Who wandered the halls

Of a high school.

She thought that she was still alive,

And went to class everyday

Like nothing had changed at all.

When school ended for summer break,

She would sit at her desk

And wait.

She would wait all summer long for it to start again

Because she didn’t know how to do anything else.

There once was a ghost

Who wandered the halls

And didn’t know that she was dead.

She would walk among the other students

Who laughed and teased each other.

She didn’t know why she couldn’t be like them.

She wanted to laugh and have fun, 

But she couldn’t.

She felt empty instead,

Because she didn’t know how to do anything else.


There once was a ghost

Who wandered the halls

Among the living students

And didn’t know that she was dead.

Her days blended together, 

Walking up and down the halls,

Wondering how to feel happy.

That’s all she did,

Just wonder,

Because she didn’t know how to do anything else.

There once was a ghost 

Who wandered the halls

Among the living students

Who wondered what happiness felt like

And didn’t know that she was dead.

Her death wasn’t quick,

It wasn’t sudden,

It wasn’t violent,

It wasn’t gory.

It was slow.

Every day when she was alive,

She went to school

And walked through those halls

Among the other students

And pondered how to be happy.

Every day,

A little piece of her got chipped away, 

Until one day,

She forgot how to feel.

But she kept going.

And she still goes on,

Because she doesn’t know how to do anything else.

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