Something I Miss | Teen Ink

Something I Miss

September 19, 2019
By itscoldinhere BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
itscoldinhere BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Something I miss…my giant and noisy family,

from eight people down to two. I still miss the ruckus they constantly caused,

from riding bikes in the house to the TV blaring. 

Something I miss…the laughter and embarrassing moments, 

from eight people down to two. I still miss laughing till I almost peed my pants, 

From my brother face planting into the ground wearing dorky glasses because I thought they were cool.

Something I miss…listening to music and dancing with my family,

from eight people down to two. I still miss dropping it low with my sister,

From just short car rides of my favorite songs to my mother falling on her tail while dancing.

Something I miss...traveling and trying new things, 

from eight people down to two. I still miss being cramped in the car on road trips,

From falling asleep across my siblings to trying scorpion suckers. 

Something I miss…being one big family,

from eight people down to two. I don’t miss being separated from my siblings to live with a new family my mom created, from two sisters, one brother to a new step dad, his two sons, and a wild ex wife. 

Something I miss...everything, 

from eight people down to two. I still miss everything about my family even when they got on my nerves,

From living in 1 house for awhile to moving 11 different times since then is something I don't miss.

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