Lighthouse | Teen Ink


June 7, 2019
By Joe_Dubs BRONZE, New City, New York
Joe_Dubs BRONZE, New City, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Those who think they know everything are an annoyance to those of us who do."- Isaac Asimov

Four times I have been here

And four times I have been home

Underneath, where one world ends

And another opens

Here, where a lighthouse rises above the Atlantic

And divulges the Ocean’s secret

And cuts into the sky, the silhouette of a black obelisk

Where a thin strip of land shears apart a burning sky

It looks like these Keys are still being forged

From a cold blue ocean

That is warmer than the firey air

The setting sun lights the clouds ablaze

But this obelisk protects a storm

From that prying eye

And the water fights off the light

Reflecting it back towards the scarlet sky

There is no need for light down there

Where the warm blue haze consumes all

Where the ether births life

Life that makes its own light

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece about my experiences scuba diving off of Islamorada. I have never felt as happy as I did down there, on the boat and underwater. To me, that place is my home. 

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