big pages | Teen Ink

big pages

April 1, 2019
By ElizabethCoyne SILVER, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
ElizabethCoyne SILVER, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

big pages

opened wide with spilled black letters.

the only place where a lion might befriend a caterpillar or a child can learn to fly.

sharp edges covered with glossy coating

stained with sticky fingerprints.

new words match the foreign sights.

up above i see You

and feel warmth on my right arm.

a hummed deep voice mirrors your moving lips.

after many leaves fall, snowflakes drop, rainstorms pour, and suns shine

You are still my favorite story to tell.

The author's comments:

This is a more modern, free verse poem about the childhood memory of reading story books. 

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