heaven hill | Teen Ink

heaven hill

January 29, 2019
By jrwatkins121 SILVER, Chester, Virginia
jrwatkins121 SILVER, Chester, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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It is approximately his ten thousandth day of being human. And yet, for all days, he is not yet very good at being a human. He still makes a lot of mistakes. All that time and he is still unsure of himself.

at the peak of heaven hill
i stand,
the surrounding trees sing my praise.
the blades of grass dance in anticipation.
the air tastes sweet
like liberty,
like introspection,
like love.
the clouds hold me close,
transforming me into a fellow wisp.
the farthest clouds come to rejoice in my return.
even once i return to my body
and escape to the city,
they hold me
and wait
for me to be ready
to see them again.
until then,
they titter with the fallen leaves
and banter with a timid breeze

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