The Bare iNecessity | Teen Ink

The Bare iNecessity

December 18, 2018
By jessica-spivey SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
jessica-spivey SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I start my day by ringing an alarm

To wake up my daily companion.

She reaches for me and squints

At my brightness against the dark room.

She scrolls through all of the messages

I have been keeping for her. She sets me

Down and walks away, but comes back soon

And puts me in her pocket. She carries me

Everywhere she goes; we are an inseparable

Team. I sit on her desk in class, signal her of

Every incoming snapchat or missed call.

My battery drains quickly, but she carries

My charger at all times; she’ll never let me die.

She smiles into my face to send her face

To other faces. She talks in my ear to talk

To the ones on the other end of the line.

She depends on me as I depend on her.

When the day is over, she puts me beside her

On the nightstand. My alarm is ready for the

Next day; we sleep together in silence.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem to show how much people depend on their phones and how cell phones have become such a major part of everyday life for people. 

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