Mountain of a Hill | Teen Ink

Mountain of a Hill

December 17, 2018
By KarterStalter GOLD, Boonton, New Jersey
KarterStalter GOLD, Boonton, New Jersey
10 articles 1 photo 0 comments

In this miraculous, monstrous machine
That the modern man had made
Allowing distances to be decreased and time to tranquilize
Struggles upon this hill
The grass is dead, brown and inhabitable
Almost every house has a mechanical monster in its yard
The ones used to remodel property and dig its soil
Lay idled upon this hill
The houses largen while I travel upwards
The grass seems to liven
As I am headed to a graduation celebratory
At the top of this hill
I step out of the vehicle at the peak of my destination
It is numb and quiet, as if time has stopped
The only sounds present are ambient winds and birds
As I stand facing the woods with the celebration to my back

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