Story Sandwich | Teen Ink

Story Sandwich

December 4, 2018
By Jacques.Birb SILVER, Metairie, Louisiana
Jacques.Birb SILVER, Metairie, Louisiana
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A good sandwich always starts with the bread

The bread can be white, whole wheat, sourdough.

It can be shaped like a bun or can be flattened

or even rolled out to a stick

The bread can have seeds or it can have stuffing

Bread can be toasted, or buttered, it can even have garlic

But bread is always used in a good sandwich, hugging the

other ingredients

Now depending on your story sandwich,

it can have meat, veggies, or dressing

If we start with the dressing you’ll add flavor

This flavor can be sweet or tart

It can be spicy or dull

The flavor all depends on the consumer

The next layer is all base of your sandwich

What kind of sandwich do you want?

Something with lots of nutrients

Or just something to get you over for the day

This is the real challenge because of so many options

After you’ve add all of your ingredients to your sandwich

it's time to finish it off with more bread

This is essential because of wraps everything together

It makes sure your sandwich doesn’t fall apart

Make sure your sandwich is tidy and completely made the way you like it

Why? Because you’re the one that made it and will eat it!

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