Beyond the Horizon | Teen Ink

Beyond the Horizon

November 8, 2018
By EmilyLaf BRONZE, Laconia, New Hampshire
EmilyLaf BRONZE, Laconia, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I look out to the ocean,
Watching every wave;
Listening to every sound.

Our future is like the tide.
Our hearts race like the waves,
our footprints form in the sand like our destiny.
Our memories are the pebbles left by the shore
being hit repeatedly by the waves;
our future.
The sun watching our every move.
Each drop is our every dream,
each crash from the waves;
our future.
The sea vulture will steal your dreams,
don't let it.
Our future
is like the tide.
We know it's coming,
we don't know when.

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