The Feeling of White | Teen Ink

The Feeling of White

October 24, 2018
By gamoen GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
gamoen GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Harsh, jagged wind like blades of broken glass is

the feeling of white.

Clean thoughts and sharp clothes are

the feeling of white.

Unpredictable bursts of red, orange, yellow is

the feeling of white.

Floating across the floor with no feet is

the feeling of white.

Soft, delicate pillows of foam is

the feeling of white.

Free falling into the mouth of the unknown is

the feeling of white.

Being nothing more than lifeless reality is

the feeling of white.

The extreme and all the way back down to the floor is

the feeling of white.

Any sense, any place, anything is

the feeling of white.

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