Water | Teen Ink


October 24, 2018
By bonehead43 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
bonehead43 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Water droplets fall allowing the ecosystem to live.

The tasteless, odorless, colorless liquid is vital for all life.

Darkening, the sky precipitates over the forests.

Storms feel alive and filled with rage until they cry and disappear.

Water spreads, water supplies, water sustains.

Rivers flow freely, independent and strong,

providing a home for animals, insects, fish, and plants.

In the winter, water freezes and rejuvenates itself for the springtime.

The ice melts in spring and the river’s life starts over, granting a second chance.

Water spreads, water supplies, water sustains.

Walking down the shore, bright and blue,

the aggressive, harsh waves flattening the sand.

The farther out, the more unknown,

The tide looks full, the moon lies fair.

Water spreads, water supplies, water sustains.

From deep underground the fresh water flows,

bursting through the surface like little explosions in the sand,

giving clean water to the life surrounding it,

creating beautiful forests filled with green trees and animals

water spreads, water supplies, water sustains.

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