My Upbringing | Teen Ink

My Upbringing

September 21, 2018
By Josh-otto30 SILVER, Brookfield, Wisconsin
Josh-otto30 SILVER, Brookfield, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the sidelines of high school football games,

and early morning film sessions…

I am from weekend drives across the country

and brutal competition

I am from places no kid should have been,

an ambiance,

of words I shouldn't have known, and lessons

of punishment I had never seen before...

life lessons learned early.

I am from burning passion

and late night workouts

Seen by most, a man possessed,

Just a kid chasing a dream...

Elevated Exacting Expectation,

From a higher standard, to be the best

I am from beginnings of ambitious fire and adrenaline,

Running on my predetermined instinct of triumph,

to disciplined freedom

I am from halftime locker room talks,

And last second touchdowns, that would

keep me up at night, dreaming about the day

The fans screamed my name

I am from unmitigated satisfaction...

and heartbreak that took my soul,

turned it inside out, and threw it

on the cold, dry pavement

I am from leaving the past behind

and beginning a new journey

I am from shifting my focus...

reloading, re-engaging,

and paving a new path, one

that only I could walk

I am from young and wild beginnings,

to disciplined freedom

The author's comments:

This piece was about my past and how I became the man I am today. 

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