Wishes from Auschwitz | Teen Ink

Wishes from Auschwitz

July 28, 2018
By Martyna BRONZE, Tbilisi, Other
Martyna BRONZE, Tbilisi, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Wünsche von Auschwitz ( Wishes from Auschwitz)


(סאַדלי קוקן דורך אַ פֿענצטער און ווארטן פֿאַר מיין קינד צו קומען

Running for their freedom

                                            Screaming from the inside

...I am sorry I lied מוטער       

Shrieks for help from the outside

     Hoping the light will find Us!

             Feeling tongue tied

Trying to break it through.

Thoughts about death

     Holding hands and praying

Open doors for hell’s pathway


So glad we almost made it

                     So sad we had to vanish  

                                                   Souls float like banished clouds

To a better place for all of us.

There’s no turning back

OUR breath of life will stay right there where you took it away.

Help us


Screaming for their freedom

               Weeping from the inside    

I am sorry I tried., מוטער


איך האב דיר ליב מאמע

Wünsche von Auschwitz.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem about holocaust, and how people might feel because they went through all of this.

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