There Is Still Hope | Teen Ink

There Is Still Hope

April 26, 2017
By heather444 SILVER, Shrewsbury, New Jersey
heather444 SILVER, Shrewsbury, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your solemn, lowly smile was being downturned at the creases,
Sanity and dignity already broken into pieces.
Your heart was made of steel and I thought it could not shatter,
Now that I can see through your vacant gaze, I guess that doesn’t matter
I look straight into your eyes and there sits nothing but clear glass,
Destined to break, destined to shatter, the destruction is in the past.
You were ripped in half, violently torn apart
By fake lovers, fake fighters, fake seekers of your heart.
I know life has shoved you under the weather,
But you have to trust fate to sew you back together.
The heartbreak and sorrow has left you hollow,
From now on, you have my light to follow.
Your heart was melted and you were left alone in the cold,
Now the pile of unsurfaced love is turning into gold.
Lift your head up to the heavens and trust your future to fate,
Begin to heal your fractured heart before it’s too late.
Hope for the return of your strength and poise and grace,
Pray for your lost smile to return to your lost face.

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