Black | Teen Ink


June 9, 2015
By OkumuraYumi SILVER, Kemah, Texas
OkumuraYumi SILVER, Kemah, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I bleed myself to be your drink: Is not the blood of poets -- ink? (William Soutar)

Black as night

White as day,

Coal in sight

Slight in way.


Noir silhouettes in the night

Overpower the day;

There's always darkness in the light,

Always making way.


They say there's light at the end of the tunnel -- 

They're only telling a lie.

Black is a color to ever pummel;

It hardly has to try.


Dark stains on an empty heart,

A veil of secrecy, too,

Portray a pain that ripped apart

A heart that's bruised but true.


Silence will fall without a doubt,

Echoing through the night.

The world will altogether fade out

Until the morning light.


Shadows will lay across the land.

Spirits wander hither.

Now they walk across the sand

And all the world must wither.

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