No Forms of Pride | Teen Ink

No Forms of Pride

May 19, 2014
By kcnikole BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
kcnikole BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why does this happen everyday?
I’m nervous to see what people will think
“Should I worry about what I weigh?”
“Should I wear the blue or red or pink?!”

All I want to do is shrink,
Become invisible so no one knows
Everything about this stinks,
and I feel exposed

My nose
feels to wide.
My clothes
look like I tried.

There isn’t any form of pride
Others seem to judge me with every glance
“You look pretty!” Is just another lie
Probably should have worn the other pants

Maybe I’ll run away to France
I hate this feeling
I’m not going to take a chance
Nevermind, it doesn’t feel healing

The author's comments:
Sometimes I get insecure & self-concious, so I wrote about those feelings

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