marysville hero song | Teen Ink

marysville hero song

April 29, 2014
By Anonymous

how can we carry on?
lost a friend... lost a brother... lost a son...
you tell us its all gone
cnt go home anymore...
theyre all crying and unhinged and
here i am on the brink
still cant believe this happened even now
some of still have to mourn
and go on...
go on where?
i dont know,
its just saying that says something more
but it doesnt seem to help me even now
so you tell me how...
how can we carry on?
lost a friend... lost a brother... lost a son...
here we are all undone
that same train still goes down those tracks even now
honking and screeching away
like it makes a difference at all
and by some cruel twist of fate
hes gone... aint coming home anymore
how can you look at those tracks and not wonder what happened that night
but we need to find a way to let go
it wasnt anyones fault
it was a destiny that had been fulfilled being called back to God
lets ty to find a way to let go
we'll see him soon eneough
for some too soon
others not soon enough
lost a friend... lost a brother... lost a son..
but hell life hoes on...
yeah, it goes on...

The author's comments:
i was inspired by the train accident in Marysville that happened 3-21-14, but was afraid to publish it because everyone was still greiving. even now people still are but i think Matteus deserves a song to honor him. we all remeber him every day we look at those tracks.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 7 2014 at 6:55 pm
Kat_Poetry BRONZE, Neenah, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 60 comments

Favorite Quote:
"But without the dark, we would never see the stars"

I liked this poem a lot, I liked how it was deep. However, its hard to read poetry with speling errors and incorrect grammer. In the future I would tidy up poem before publishing it.