To Young for Pain | Teen Ink

To Young for Pain

December 22, 2013
By Anonymous

My Name is Katie
I am only four
My Daddy never used
to hit me before

Lady, Lady
I need some ice
He punched me in the eye
It was not very nice

Excuse me, excuse me
I freeze with fright
As the door slams
I fear the pain that awaits me tonight

While he shouts in my face
You're such a waste
he kicks my knee
with a look of distaste

"I'm sorry" I scream
As he balls up his fists
Grabbing me by my wrists
He is daring me to resist

I know it’s my fault
for not being what he wants
If he found me perfect
He would not subject me to his taunt

Nobody listens
Nobody cares
I’m just a child
Messing in their affairs

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