The Land Accros the Sea | Teen Ink

The Land Accros the Sea

March 5, 2013
By CollinMiller SILVER, Candler, North Carolina
CollinMiller SILVER, Candler, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To a land across the sea
I once longed for adventure
I once sought out valor and glory
I sat upon the beach with the sand between my toes and longed for the land across the sea

I worked and worked
I saved and saved
Until I could charted a ship to take me to the land across the sea

I waited and waited
I imagined and imagined
I yearned and yearned
Until I finally saw the land across the sea

Its golden shores and beauty stunned me
I stared and stared
I ran and ran
I explored and explored
I decided I would live in the land across the sea

But I grew weary of adventure and exploring
I wandered and wandered
I sat and sat
I wept and I wept
I longed for my home across the sea

The author's comments:
A ballad to all those who long for adventure but leave behind all that they have

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